Ethics. Not Just Compliance Please

The past decade has seen the rise of the compliance team across many organisations. What does that mean for professional ethics? The Oxford English Dictionary defines “compliance” as “an action in accordance with a request, command etc.” Compliance is therefore about the external influence of our behaviour. Ethics is about our conscience and moral principles … More Ethics. Not Just Compliance Please

A Risky Business

I had an interesting conversation this week with an in-house lawyer about risk; legal risk. The annual review of the corporate risk register had come around again. The in-house lawyer was considering how to analyse the legal risks that she should raise with the corporate risk officer. It was a headache and she rang for … More A Risky Business

The Art of Good Writing

Does what you think get lost in translation? Some in-house lawyers are excellent at providing clear, concise and unequivocal written advice that is easy for their non-lawyer colleagues to understand. Yes, I did say unequivocal. Others, however brilliant their intellect, miserably fail. How can you avoid your wisdom being lost in translation? Here are my … More The Art of Good Writing